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safeguarding policy

Charity Details


Name: Eagle’s Nest Community Action

Address: Eagle's Nest Community Centre, 

Gedling Road, 





Email Address:

Tel No:  07462 383376


Registered Charity No: 1170232

Company Registration No: 10373798

Insurance: Ansvar Public Liability Insurance

Purpose:  Eagle’s Nest Community Action (hereafter ENCA) manages Eagle’s Nest Community Centre as a multi-use, multi-generational community hub that is widely used by the people of Arnold.  As such we hire out our facilities to a range of organisations some of which offer provision to children, young people & vulnerable adults; we recognise our responsibility to ensure that these organisations uphold an adequate safeguarding policy & have a named person for safeguarding.


Safeguarding Statement


   1. ENCA is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults.


   2. ENCA takes safeguarding seriously, & ensures that all organisations using Eagle’s Nest Community Centre are similarly committed to    

       safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. ENCA will make certain that each organisation that uses the Centre uphold  

       their own robust safeguarding policy by insisting that:


  • They give the Centre Manager a copy of their own Safeguarding Policy which must meet the CCPAS safeguarding standards.

  • Provide the Centre Manager with the name of their designated safeguarding person


  • They sign a letting agreement which makes clear that they are responsible for safeguarding children, young people & vulnerable adults in any group or activity which they provide.


   3. ENCA is committed to:


  • valuing, listening to and respecting children, young people and vulnerable adults, as well as promoting their welfare and protection;


  • the safe recruitment, supervision and training of staff & volunteers 


  • implementing a procedure for dealing with concerns regarding safeguarding;


  • signposting, referring to and maintaining effective partnerships with statutory childcare authorities and other safeguarding organisations.


Safeguarding Policy


As an organisation we recognise the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children, young people and adults. We    

acknowledge that children, young people and adults can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. We accept the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Human Rights, which states that everyone is entitled to “all the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status”.


We also concur with the Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that children should be able to develop their full potential, free from hunger and want, neglect and abuse. They have a right to be protected from “all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s), or any other person who has care of the child.” 


As an organisation we have therefore adopted the procedures set out in this safeguarding policy in accordance with statutory guidance.  We are committed to build constructive links with statutory and voluntary agencies involved in safeguarding. 


The policy is based on the ten Safe and Secure safeguarding standards published by the Churches' Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS).


The organisation undertakes to:           


  • endorse and follow all national and local safeguarding legislation and procedures, in addition to the international conventions outlined above.

  • provide on-going safeguarding training for all its workers and will regularly review the operational guidelines attached.

  • ensure that the premises meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and all other relevant legislation, and that it is welcoming and inclusive.

  • support the Safeguarding Coordinator(s) in their work and in any action they may need to take in order to protect children and vulnerable adults.

  • file a copy of the policy and practice guidelines with CCPAS and any amendments subsequently published. ENCA agrees not to allow the document to be copied by other organisations.


Recognising and Responding Appropriately to an Allegation or Suspicion of Abuse


Defining child abuse or abuse against an adult is a difficult and complex issue. A person may abuse by inflicting harm, or failing to prevent harm. Children and adults in need of protection may be abused within a family, an institution or a community setting. Very often the abuser is known or in a trusted relationship with the child or adult.


Detailed definitions, and signs and symptoms of abuse, as well as how to respond to a disclosure of abuse, are included here in our policy.


  • Definitions of abuse: Appendix A

  • Signs and symptoms of abuse: Appendix B

  • How to respond to a child wishing to disclose abuse: Appendix C


The person in receipt of allegations or suspicions of abuse should report concerns as soon as possible to Rachel Newcombe  (hereafter the "Safeguarding Co-ordinator") Tel no: 0746 2383376 who is nominated by ENCA to act on their behalf in dealing with the allegation or suspicion of neglect or abuse, including referring the matter on to the statutory authorities. The role of the safeguarding co-ordinator is to collate and clarify the precise details of the allegation or suspicion and pass this information on to statutory agencies which have a legal duty to investigate.


It is, of course, the right of any individual as a citizen to make a direct referral to the safeguarding agencies.


Where the concern is about a child the Safeguarding Co-ordinator should contact Children’s Social Services. Where the concern is regarding an adult in need of protection contact Adult Social Services


Contact Numbers:

Nottingham Children’s Social Services

Office telephone number (office hours) is:                    0115 915 1006

The out of hours emergency number is:                        0115 915 9299


Nottingham Adult Social Services

Office telephone number (office hours) is:                    0115 883 8460

The out of hours emergency number is:                        0115 883 8460


The Police Child Protection Team telephone number is:          0115 967 0999


Practice Guidelines

As ENCA manage a venue which lets out rooms to organisations working with children, young people and vulnerable adults we wish to operate and promote good working practice. This will enable workers to run activities safely, develop good relationships and minimise the risk of false or unfounded accusation. As well as a general code of conduct for workers we also have specific good practice guidelines for every activity that takes place at our venue:


  • The diversity of organisations means there can be great variation in practice when it comes to safeguarding children, young people and adults. This can be because of cultural tradition, belief and religious practice or understanding, for example, of what constitutes abuse.  We therefore have clear guidelines in regards to our expectations of all groups that use our venue.


  • ENCA will always strive to uphold and promote good practices in the protection of children and vulnerable people.


  • It is ENCA’s policy that no activities will involve unsupervised access to children or vulnerable people by either workers or volunteers.


  • We will at all times have a nominated Child Protection Coordinator and provide information to users about this.


  • We will insist that all organisations which use our venue DBS check all volunteers and staff who work with children and vulnerable people.


  • We will recommend that all organisations offer parents and carers the opportunity to complete an induction form which outlines permissions for involvement in activities, information regarding data protection regulations and the need for consent to be included in photographs or film.


(Appendix A)



Definitions of abuse (England and Wales)


The following definitions of child abuse are recommended as criteria throughout England and Wales by the Department of Health, Department for Education and Skills and the Home Office in their joint document, Working Together to Safeguard Children (1999)


Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger.



Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes ill health to a child whom they are looking after. This is commonly described using terms such as 'factitious illness by proxy' or 'Munchausen Syndrome by proxy'



Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill-treatment of a child such as to cause severe and continuous adverse effects on the child's emotional development. It may involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only so far as they meet the needs of another person.  It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children.  It may involve causing children to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children.  Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill-treatment of a child, though it may occur alone.



Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative (e.g. rape or buggery) or non-penetrative acts. They may include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.



Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child's basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child's health or development. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, failing to protect a child from physical harm or danger, or the failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child's basic emotional needs.


Further definitions of abuse



The Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry defines Munchausen's Syndrome by proxy as:  "A form of child abuse in which the parents, or carers, give false accounts of symptoms in their children and may fake signs of illness (to draw attention to themselves). They seek repeated medical investigations and needless treatment for their children." The government issued guidance for      professionals working in situations where Munchausen's is suspected in 'Safeguarding Children in whom Illness is Fabricated or Induced' (2002).



This relates to the degree of harm that triggers statutory action to protect a child. It is based on the individual child's health or development compared to that which could reasonably be expected of a similar child. e.g. severity of ill treatment, degree and extent of physical harm, duration and frequency of abuse and neglect, premeditation. Department of Health guidance suggests that 'significant' means 'considerable, noteworthy or important.'



Linked with emotional abuse, spiritual abuse could be defined as an abuse of power, often done in the name of God or religion, which involves manipulating or coercing someone into thinking, saying or doing things without respecting an individual's right to choose for themselves.  Some indicators of spiritual abuse might be a leader who is intimidating and imposes his/her will on other people, perhaps threatening dire consequences or the wrath of God if disobeyed.  He or she may say that God has revealed certain things to them and so they know what is right. Those under their leadership are fearful to challenge or disagree, believing they will lose the leader's (or more seriously God's) acceptance and approval. 


The issue of the exploitation of vulnerable young people and adults by people in positions of power within the church is covered in some detail in the report “Time for Action”, produced by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI). 



The Home Office definition of domestic violence is “Any violence between current or former partners in an intimate relationship, wherever and whenever the violence occurs.  The violence may include physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse.” (Home Office Research Studies.  Domestic Violence:  Findings from a new British Crime Survey self-completion questionnaire.1999) 



'Organised or multiple abuse may be defined as abuse involving one or more abuser and a number of related or non-related children and young people. The abusers concerned may be acting in concert to abuse children, sometimes acting in isolation, or may be using an institutional framework or position of authority to recruit children for abuse'. (Government Guidelines-'Working Together to Safeguard Children'1999).



Children involved in prostitution and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation should be treated primarily as the victims of abuse and their needs require careful assessment. (Government Guidelines-'Working Together to Safeguard Children' 1999. See also 'Safeguarding Children Involved in Prostitution - Supplementary Guidance to Working Together to Safeguard Children').


(Appendix B)



The following signs may or may not be indicators that abuse has taken place, but the possibility should be considered.



Any injuries not consistent with the explanation given for them

Injuries which occur to the body in places which are not normally exposed to falls, rough games, etc

Injuries which have not received medical attention

Neglect - under nourishment, failure to grow, constant hunger, stealing or gorging food, untreated illnesses, inadequate care, etc

Reluctance to change for, or participate in, games or swimming

Repeated urinary infections or unexplained tummy pains

Bruises, bites, burns, fractures etc which do not have an accidental explanation*

Cuts/scratches/substance abuse*



Any allegations made by a child concerning sexual abuse

Child with excessive preoccupation with sexual matters and detailed knowledge of adult sexual behaviour, or who regularly engages in age-inappropriate sexual play

Sexual activity through words, play or drawing

Child who is sexually provocative or seductive with adults

Inappropriate bed-sharing arrangements at home

Severe sleep disturbances with fears, phobias, vivid dreams or nightmares, sometimes with overt or veiled sexual connotations

Eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia*



Changes or regression in mood or behaviour, particularly where a child withdraws or becomes clinging.  Also depression/aggression, extreme anxiety. 

Nervousness, frozen watchfulness

Obsessions or phobias

Sudden under-achievement or lack of concentration

Inappropriate relationships with peers and/or adults

Attention-seeking behaviour

Persistent tiredness

Running away/stealing/lying



Crucial to any assessment is a knowledge and sensitivity to racial, cultural and religious aspects.  Remember also that differences exist not only between ethnic groups but also within the same ethnic group and between different neighbourhoods and social classes.  While different practices must be taken into account, it is also important to remember that all children have basic human rights.  Differences in child-rearing do not justify child abuse. 



*These signs may indicate the possibility that a child or young person is self-harming, mostly by cutting, burning, self-poisoning.  Approximately 20,000 are treated in accident and emergency departments in the UK each year. 


(Appendix C)




  • Above everything else listen, listen, listen

  • Show acceptance of what the child says (however unlikely the story may sound)

  • Keep calm

  • Look at the child directly

  • Be honest

  • Tell the child you will need to let someone else know - don't promise confidentiality

  • Even when a child has broken a rule, they are not to blame for the abuse

  • Be aware that the child may have been threatened or bribed not to tell

  • Never push for information.  If the child decides not to tell you after all, then accept that and let them know that you are always ready to listen.

  • As soon as possible write down what has been shared*



  • You have done the right thing in telling

  • That must have been really hard

  • I am glad you have told me

  • It's not your fault

  • I will help you



  • Why didn't you tell anyone before?

  • I can't believe it!

  • Are you sure this is true?

  • Why?  How?  When?  Who?  Where? 

  • Never make false promises

  • Never make statements such as "I am shocked, don't tell anyone else"



Again reassure the child that they were right to tell you and show acceptance

Let the child know what you are going to do next and that you will let them know what happens (you might have to consider referring to Social Services or the Police to prevent a child or young person returning home if you consider them to be seriously at risk of further abuse)

Contact the person in your church/organisation responsible for co-ordinating child protection concerns or contact an agency such as CCPAS for advice or go directly to Social Services/Police/NSPCC

Consider your own feelings and seek pastoral support if needed



Make notes as soon as possible, preferably within one hour of the child talking to you. Write down exactly what the child said and when s/he said it, what you said in reply and what was happening immediately beforehand (eg a description of the activity).  Record dates and times of these events and when you made the record.  Keep all hand-written notes, even if subsequently typed.  Such records should be kept for an indefinite period in a secure place.


Written by Eagle's Nest Community Centre Manager on 24/5/2018 to be reviewed annually

Contact us

Eagle's Nest Community Centre, 

Gedling Road, 






Tel: 07462 383376

© 2017 Eagle's Nest Community Centre managed by Eagle's Nest Community Action. Registered Charity number: 1170232

Eagle's Nest Community Action         Charity Number: 1170232

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