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Lettings Policy: Terms & conditions


Eagle's Nest Community Centre is multi-use, multi-generational community hub of excellence which is widely used by the people of Arnold and surrounding area. It is a resource to build community, be a catalyst for volunteer projects and foster partnerships with user groups to increase social provision.



Eagle's Nest Community Centre is located in a residential area of Arnold and easily accessible by major bus routes in and out of the City of Nottingham. Eagle's Nest Community Centre is used by pre-school groups, youth groups, seniors groups and for private celebrations. It is particularly popular with families due to its location.


The main hall (131m2) is suitable for 120 people and committee room (14.4m2) suitable for 10 people. As well as these rooms there is a kitchen and toilets. It includes disabled toilets, car parking for 20 cars and level access ramp, and an outdoor soft play surface.


Strategic Aims:

  • Encourage groups from every generation in Arnold use and see the benefits of the community centre.

  • Collaborate with other users and community groups to ensure a breadth of community provision across the town.

  • Increase use of the community centre by people suffering economic hardship and social isolation.

  • Ensure the long term viability of the community centre is secured by managing the Community Centre in a financially responsible manner.


In addition to the Lets that fit with our strategic aims, facilities will be available for the following:

  • Hire by additional community and statutory groups

  • Hire by local individuals

  • Hire by local businesses

  • Hire by commercial organisations



For April 2018 until April 2019




Concessionary groups (Charities and not for profit groups focusing on youth, under 5s and 60+) will be eligible for a 40% discount on the above prices. Business groups (profit making organisations) will be subject to a 25% increase on the prices.


Long Term Room Hire:

Long Term agreements can be agreed on an annual basis. Dates will be provided via email to the Centre Development Manager. Long-term tenants will be invoiced on a monthly basis, on the first week of the month and payment will be due within 7 days. Repeated failure to pay invoices on the due date will result in loss of credit and/or lease arrangements being cancelled. One month's notice is required in writing to cancel a long term rental but individual weeks can be altered with 2 weeks’ notice.


Short Term Room Hire:

Short term room hire will be made by submitting an on-line booking form which is processed by the Centre Development Manager. Payment in full is made at the time of the booking.

If the centre isn't vacated at the time agreed in the booking, or if the centre is left in an unusable state, then a charge of £100 will be made to compensate for additional staff time and cleaning.

Licensed events require a deposit of £200 and the deposit is repaid within 7 days of the event taking place.


Cancellation of a Rental by the User:

Any changes or cancellation must be received in writing or email.

Long term tenants will be asked to give one month’s notice in writing in order to terminate their lease early.

Short term tenants will be asked to give at least 28 days cancellation notice.

Failure to do so will result in the tenant being charged at the full rate.


Cancellation by the Community Centre:

The Centre Development Manager may cancel a hiring if the facilities are required for any purpose in

connection with a European, Parliamentary or local government election, emergency planning, if the facilities are rendered unfit for use or essential maintenance and repair work needs to be carried out or if Eagle's Nest Community Centre is unable to provide adequate staff cover due to bad weather. If the hiring is cancelled for any such reason, the Centre Development Manager will give to the Hirer the maximum practicable notice and refund the charges [if already paid] but will not otherwise be liable to the Hirer. The Hirer hereby agrees in both cases to accept the same and to have consent to such cancellation, and to have no claim at law or in equity for any loss or damage in consequence thereof.


Tenant Conduct:

All tenants will be asked to show respect at all times for all others using the Centre, Centre Staff and the property itself. We ask that children accompanying adults during any activities are not left unattended at any time.


The Centre shall not be used for any purpose other than that duly authorised in advance by the Centre Manager. The Hirer is responsible for effective supervision of the activities in the premises during the hire period, for the prevention of disorderly or unlawful behaviour and for ensuring no nuisance arises to the Centre or other users of the Centre or to residents in the vicinity by noise in particular.

Failure to meet with these requirements may result in cancellation of further bookings.



Tenants must ensure that appropriate measures are taken to ensure security of their guests and Centre users before any function takes place.

In the event of any security problem (e.g. fighting) which Centre staff feel is posing a threat and is not being adequately dealt with by group leaders, the police will be phoned.



In compliance with current legislation governing premises with eating facilities, smokers are required to stand at least 15ft. away from the Centre entrance. Group leaders are responsible for informing their groups of this policy.



Organisers of courses or lessons held within the Centre are responsible for ensuring that tutors have appropriate qualifications and that all necessary insurance is in place.


Health & Safety:

Group leaders are responsible for ensuring Health and Safety compliance during their activities. Health & Safety procedures developed for activities in the Centre should reflect those of Eagle's Nest Community Centre so that staff and Centre users are not endangered in any way. If the group leader changes during the life of the lease, the new group leader will be asked to countersign the document to ensure he/she recognises his/her responsibilities in relation to Health and Safety requirements.

As a minimum the group leaders are advised to have their fire, general, and activity specific risk assessments, reviewed on an annual basis. Any equipment owned and used by the Group must be regularly maintained and maintenance records kept. Any electrical equipment must have a current Portable Appliance Test Certificate. The use of portable gas equipment is strictly forbidden. Groups are required to provide the centre manager with copies of the above documents on request.

More advice on Health and Safety is available from Health and Safety Executive.

All accidents, near misses and health and safety concerns must be notified to the Centre Development Manager immediately.

Please note that if any member of a group has a disability which would affect his/her ability to evacuate the building easily in case of fire, the Group leader must make the necessary arrangements to ensure the member’s safe evacuation.

Please note that groups with wheelchair users in attendance must make necessary arrangements to ensure their safety in case of fire.

For health and safety reasons, smoke machines cannot be permitted on the premises.

For health and safety reasons, ‘heelies’ cannot be permitted on the premises.



The Hirer shall immediately report to the Centre Development Manager any damage existing at the commencement of the period of hire. The Hirer shall be responsible for and shall pay to Eagle's Nest Community Centre on demand the amount of any damage done or occasioned to the premises or to the fixtures, fittings, apparatus, equipment (including sound, lighting and projection), furniture or to other contents thereof during the use of the premises by him; or if the building is left unlocked or unattended and damage results. The amount of such damage shall be certified by the Centre Development Manager, whose decision shall be final.

No tape or fixings that damage the paintwork can be used in the Centre. All balloons, notices or decorations must be hung from the hooks provided in the walls.


Indemnity and Insurance:

The Hirer shall indemnify Eagle's Nest Community Centre from and against any claim for damages, costs or expenses that may be made against the Centre in respect of any personal injury or loss of or damage to property in consequence of the hiring.

The Centre shall not be liable for any loss due to any cause beyond its control including failure of supply of electricity, leakage of water, fire, government restriction or any other Act of God which may cause the premises to be temporarily closed or may cause the hiring to be interrupted or cancelled.

For block bookings the Hirer shall maintain throughout the period of hire, a policy of insurance affected with a reputable insurance company covering the Hirer against third party risks for a sum of not less than £5 million and will produce a copy of such policy to the Centre Development Manager at least 24 hours before the period of hire.



No sweepstake, raffle or other form of lottery shall be promoted or held on the premises except such lotteries as are deemed to be not unlawful by virtue of any enactment relating to Gaming, Betting and Lotteries.



All refreshments brought onto the premises should not be stored longer than three hours before the start of the function. This requirement is necessary in the interests of food safety. Any waste food or rubbish generated by the Hirer providing his own refreshment must be removed from the premises at the end of the function and deposited in the bins provided.

Propane Gas, Barbecues, Portable stoves or any other cooking/heating equipment is not permitted on site at any time.



Photographs taken at exclusive use parties purely for personal use are permitted. Control of such photography is the responsibility of the Hirer. Photographs in other circumstances can only be taken with the permission of the Centre Development Manager.


Transfer of Hire:

The right to use the Centre or equipment is not transferable.



Persons using the Centre’s car parking facilities do so at their own risk and shall park in a manner so as not to cause any obstruction or nuisance to other users. Only cars displaying a valid disabled parking badge may park in marked disabled bays.


Lost Property:

The Centre will not under any circumstances accept responsibility or liability in respect of any damage to or loss of any goods articles or property of any kind brought into or left at the Centre either by the Hirer for his own purposes or by any other person.



No animals (except disability assistance dogs) shall be brought in to the premises except with the consent of the Centre Development Manager.



Alcohol can be brought onto the premises for private consumption but must be declared at the time of booking.

If alcohol is to be sold on the premises, the hirer must obtain a Temporary Event Notice authorising the sale of alcohol. The Hirer must adhere to all regulations detailed on the Temporary Event Notice. A copy of the Temporary Event Notice should be taken to the community centre during the hire period for inspection by the Centre Development Manager.



Eagle’s Nest Community Action recognises our responsibility to ensure that all organisations that hire our facilities to serve children, young people or vulnerable adults, uphold a robust safeguarding policy & have a named person for safeguarding. Each organisation shall provide the name of their safeguarding officer & a copy of their safeguarding policy (which must meet the CCPAS standards) on booking. The hirer must inform the Centre manager of any changes to this information. Our full Safeguarding Policy is found in the ‘about’ tab on this website.


Internet Usage:

By accepting this agreement and accessing the wireless network, you acknowledge that you are of legal age, you have read and understood, and agree to be bound by this agreement.

  • The wireless network service is provided by the property owners and is completely at their discretion. Your access to the network may be blocked, suspended, or terminated at any time for any reason.

  • You agree not to use the wireless network for any purpose that is unlawful or otherwise prohibited and you are fully responsible for your use.

  • The wireless network is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied.

  • Eagle's Nest Community Centre doesn't have a TV License so no BBC content can be watched at the centre, unless the user has their own TV license, thus complying with legal requirements.

All named users are responsible for who they share the WiFi code with and usage of the wireless network whilst their group is running.   



Centre Users:


  • Community organisations

  • School activities

  • Childcare

  • Health and well-being activities

  • Environmental and social interest groups

  • Conferences

  • Parties

  • Arts and crafts classes

  • Youth activities and after school programs

  • Educational activities

  • Physical exercise and recreational activities

  • Elderly services

  • Professional groups

  • Arts groups, performing and visual


Not Allowed

  • Illegal activities

  • Activities with adverse impacts on the building or Centre

  • Activities that are discriminatory in nature

  • Activities that contradict the strategic aims of Eagle's Nest Community Centre

  • Political organisations



This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.


Name:      Rachel Newcombe                                                       Title:  Centre Development Manager

Signed                                                                                              Date: 22 November 2018


Subject to review and circulation every 12 months or sooner if activities require.

Contact us

Eagle's Nest Community Centre, 

Gedling Road, 






Tel: 07462 383376

© 2017 Eagle's Nest Community Centre managed by Eagle's Nest Community Action. Registered Charity number: 1170232

Eagle's Nest Community Action         Charity Number: 1170232

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